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Available Buildings

Below are the list of buildings you may build.

Production Buildings

Woodcutter's Hut

You Village Gets:
10 Wood everyday.

Costs: 20 Wood.

Adds to final score: 20pts.

Paddy Field

Your Village Gets:
2 Bags of Rice everyday.

Costs: 20 Wood.

Adds to final score: 20pts.

A Woodcutter's Hut allows some villagers to make cutting logs their main job. It provides space to store wood, a place to store the tools, and equipment need to log properly.

A Paddy field is an area designated for growing rice and other staple foods

Fishermen's Hut

Your Village gets:
1 Crate of Fish everyday.

Costs: 20 Wood.

Adds to final score: 20pts.

A Fishermen's Hut allows some villagers to make fishing their main job. It provides space to dry and salt the fish, a place to store their tools and supplies, and equipment needed to convert live fish into ready to consume food.

Chicken Pens

Your Village Gets:
2 Chickens everyday.

Costs: 20 Wood.

Adds to final score: 20pts.

Chicken pens are spaces that are specially designated to house chickens and let them roam without worrying that they may run away. They provide a regular source of food through chicken meat and eggs.

Potter's Hut

Generates Daily:
2 Clay Pots everyday.

Costs: 30 Wood 10 Gold.

Adds to final score: 20pts.

A Potter makes pottery from clay. He/she then sells it to make a fine profit.

Goods and services

Trade Port Storehouse 

You may buy foreign goods with gold coins. 
Costs: 20 Wood.

Adds to final score: 10pts.

It allows you to buy foreign goods at the trade ports and store them.

Glassblower's Hut

Generates Daily:
2 Glass Products.

Costs: 40 Wood 10 Gold.

Adds to final score: 50pts.

A glassblower makes glass items like jewelry by heating sand to a very high temperature.

Tattoo Artist Shop

Generates Daily:
2 Wood, 2 Fish, 2 Chicken OR 2 Rice.

Costs: 30 Wood.

Adds to final score: 20pts.

A Tattoo Artist Shop allows people to come and get their own tattoos. While the people may not have gold, they can give whatever it is they make for a living.


Your Village gets:
1 Gold Ornament Everyday.

Costs: 50 Wood 10 gold coins.

Adds to final score: 50pts.

A goldsmith buys gold from other people, melts them down and makes them into fine ornamants and fine artefacts, like golden kris and jewelry.


You may sell your products here:
10 Wood / 2 Fish / 2 Rice / 2 Chickens = 1 Gold Coin

1 Claypot / Glass product = 2 Gold coins

1 Gold ornament  = 5 gold coins
Costs: 20 Wood.

Adds to final score: 20pts.

Instead of using/eating the things you make, you can sell it off at a marketplace: places where merchants come and buy things from you. In exchange, they give you gold coins that come from the Melakan Sultanate. 

Other Buildings

Dining Hall

Allows you to hold Feasts.

Costs: 50 Wood 20 Gold.

Adds to final score: 50pts.

Building a dining hall will allow you to hold big feasts and make your people happy! 


Costs: 10 Wood.

Adds to final score: 5 pts.

Huts are housing for your villagers.

Hut for Guests

Costs: 30 Wood.

Adds to final score: 20

These huts are slightly bigger and allow guests like ambassadors to stay...

Hut for the Portuguese

Costs: 1 Portuguese Official and 1 Hut for Guests

Adds to final score: 50

Hut for the

Costs: 1 Dutch Official and
1 Hut for Guests

Adds to final score: 50

Hut for the

Costs: 1 British Official and
1 Hut for Guests

Adds to final score: 50

These huts have little things that will make the Portuguese Official feel more at home, like a Portuguese flag etc. It also allows you to benefit by trading with the Portuguese.

These huts have little things that will make the Dutch Official feel more at home, like a Dutch flag etc. It also allows you to benefit by trading with the Dutch.

These huts have little things that will make the British Official feel more at home, like a British flag etc. It also allows you to benefit by trading with the British.

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